Sunny Fields is never the same twice. Indeed, new discoveries
are made all the time. Consider returning to enjoy the
ever-changing seasonal beauty!
An extensive
assortment of exotic and native plants stimulate learning in
an informal setting; specimens are accurately labeled. A
very mixed wildlife community will fascinate everyone.
Seasonal Views
Please note, this listing of monthly natural attractions is
partial and can vary with changing conditions during our
growing seasons. Garden annuals have been excluded from the
list, as they vary every year.

Mondragon daffodil |
Narcissi (120 varieties), forsythia, spirea,
pachysandra, lichens, Siberial squill, violet, poplar,
willow, Japanese witchhazel, birch, maple, moss,
cornelian cherry
The return of many song birds. Frog and toad chorus. |

Brandywine ornamental crabapple |
Ornamental crabapples (over 144 varieties), spireas,
mountain ash, lilacs (over 300 varieties), fruit trees,
dwarf iris, bleeding heart, grape hyacinth,
forget-me-not, May apple, Jack-in-the-pulpit, marsh
marigold, oak, ash, fringe tree, magnolia, viburnum,
conifers (evergreens), mulberry, linden, Johnny-jump-up,
lily-of-the-valley, euphorbia, pin cherry, choke cherry,
grey dogwood, pyracantha, wild strawberry, yellow
loosestrife, buffalo currant, gooseberry, Siberian pea,
jetbead, bloodroot, trout lily, ironwood, beech, hop
hornbeam, osage orange
Delightful fragrant air. |

Red Prince Weigelia |
Weigelia, bearded iris, Siberian iris, peony, rose,
catalpa, hawthorn, Michigan cactus, yellow flag iris,
baptisia, horsechestnut, daisy, orange hawkweed, mallow,
corn cockle, beauty bush, late lilac, black locust,
honey locust, duetzia, mock orange, dame's rocket, sweet
William, penstemon, gill-over-the-ground, elderberry,
blackberry, ajuga, sweet pea, walnut, hickory,
persimmon, asparagus, pussy toes, hoary alyssum, Jacob's
ladder, daylilies
Chirping crickets.

'Goblin' |
Daylilies, hosta, hydrangea, yucca, butter-and-eggs,
rudbeckia, centaurea, pokeweed, phlox, chicory, Queen
Ann's lace, catchfly, jewelweed, spiderwort, dogbane,
St. John's wort, deptford pink, tamarisk, vervain,
campanula, hollyhock, Asian lily, Oriental lily, rose of
Sharon, silver thistle, butterfly weed, daylilies,
catnip, heal-all, teasel, buddleia, fleabane, gold
Dragonflies, grasshoppers, and warm breezes. |

Native grass
Black-eyed Susan, ornamental grass, marsh mallow, star
thistle, hairy veitch, yarrow, hosta, flowering rush,
false spirea, Joe Pye weed, daylilies, milkweed,
mothmullien, horseweed, sedum, summer sweet, boneset,
black medic, curley dock, bedstraw, bouncing bet, white
Walking sticks and praying mantis. |

crabapple fruit |
Blue vitex, seven-sons-flower, soldago,
Jerusalem artichoke, autumn clematis, daylilies, sedum
Sparkling dew-covered morning spider webs. |

Colorful autumn foliage |
New England asters, a beautiful display of
attractive fruit and seed pods, mushrooms and brightly
colored fungus, exquisite fall foliage colors, unusual
seed pods, migrating birds, foggy mornings, a good time
to admire variations in treebark and branching
Showers of beautiful leaves cover the ground like a
tapestry. |
Through the seven months that Sunny Fields is open to
the public, it is common for visitors to experience
pleasant interaction with a variety of wildlife.
Some animals sleep during the day and are seldom seen
during this time, such as bats, owls, raccoons, fox
opposum, and skunks. Others, though active during
daylight, avoid contact with people but are seen on
occasion. These include game animals, which are given
sanctuary at Sunny Fields, along with harmless reptiles
and amphibians.
Many of the residents of the pond and marshy areas are
difficult to see without patience. Frogs and toads are
usually easily seen and heard. The majority of our bird
residents are most active just after sunrise and before
sunset, avoiding activity in the heat of the day.
However, an assortment of fascinating butterflies,
moths, and dragonflies are visible during the day.
Insects are commonly seen on sunny days, especially
during mid-summer.
The chain of life is evident at Sunny Fields. Throughout
the year, it is obvious that both plants and animals
complete their life cycles. Plants ripen their fruit,
and often wither, to be replaced by sprouting seeds or
spores they created and left behind. Likewise, some
animals finish their natural lifespans, leaving behind
young animals to take their place. Thus, at Sunny
Fields, we observe the natural balance of life in its
The fall
foliage colors at Sunny Fields are regionally
exceptional, and usually peak near mid-October. The park
closes for the season at 5pm on October 31, and will
re-open April 1 of every year by appointment
(810-387-2765 during season or 313-886-9343 off season).
Feel free to call for foliage color updates at our
in-season phone number.